I AM IN TOTAL AWE OF GOD RIGHT NOW!!! The focus in youth group this summer has been examining the ways certain words are defined by our culture and how they are defined by God in the Bible. Tonight's word? LOVE!!! Scott spent a lot of time explaining the Hebrew word "hesed" to us. Hesed translates to steadfast, unchangeable covenant love. I looked it up on Yahoo a little while ago, and found a wonderful article about it and how it relates to Christ as the Bridegroom loving the church as His Bride! God has been doing such awesome things in my life this summer! I am so grateful to have been given 2 dramatically life changing summers in a row! He has been answering so many prayers this summer, especially since LPL. He's even starting to open up financial doors. I'm seeing the doors to the ministry He's been working in my heart to pursue open up, and cannot express the joy in my heart! Psalm 37:4 says, " Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." How wonderfully true! I'm loving the path He has placed me on! He has such an amazing plan for me, and I intend to follow Him and experience His love to the fullest.
Oh, and I forgot to mention in the last post that on the day I ended up going to see Julie & Julia, there happened to be a quote from Beth Moore in my inspirational daily planner. Not intentional (at least by me ;) ). My life's been kinda weird since God introduced that woman into my life, and not just because she's weird (which I LOVE!). I'm glad God tricked me into doing a Beth Moore Bible study. :) It's strange how someone I've never actually met in person has had such a big impact on my life.
As promised, here are a couple pictures of my precious kitty. :)
So angelic!

This was when she was sick a couple of weeks ago. Poor kitty.

And here's a picture of Stefano taking a nap.

May God bless you as you walk with Him and may you feel the love that he lavishes upon you! Trust in Him and the plans He has for you. They are MARVELOUS! Gros bisous! XOXO
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