Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Beth/Elizabeth Project

Dear Whoever May Happen To Read This Blog,
I decided to go see the new movie Julie & Julia today (technically yesterday). Why? Because I feel like I can almost totally relate to it at this point in my life. A few months ago, I posted that I was pretty sure of what God wanted me to do in Paris ministry-wise, but wasn't ready to tell everyone yet (or no one, since I'm not sure if anyone actually reads this). Well, now I am. It's changed a little since then, but, hey, is it my fault if God doesn't choose to make every little detail perfectly clear at once? No, I'm pretty sure it isn't. So anyways, here's what's up.

It was a dark and dreary night...ok, actually it was 2 uncomfortably hot, sunny California days. Those days were June 26 and 27, and I had the pleasure of going to see Beth Moore ate her Living Proof Live conference in Stockton! SOOOOO AMAZING!!! And obviously life changing, if you hadn't figured that out by now. Beth taught from Revelation 19 and the title of her lesson was "From Bridezilla to Bride of Christ". I was pretty darn excited because Revelation just so happens to be one of my favorite books of the Bible and I rarely get to hear it discussed, and because I've been planning my entire future wedding around the Bride of Christ theme. No, I'm not engaged, nor do I have a boyfriend (I have a tendency to only attract creepy stalker types, for the most part.). I am a conservative Christian living in California during the time of Prop 8 (which it seems God placed me here for such a time as this *yay Esther*) and I want to be absolutely clear about what God has to say about marriage. I believe that God causing Adam to fall into a deep sleep while He took one of his ribs and created the woman is a parable for the death of Christ and Christians, the Bride of Christ, being made as a suitable helper. I believe a man leaves his parents and takes a wife because Christ left His Father in Heaven to take us as His Holy Bride. I believe marriage is sacred because it is a representation of the relationship we were meant to have with God, the relationship He still offers us. As I thought about this, I decided that when I get married, I want my wedding to reflect this. I even want a dress with red trim to represent the Blood that makes the Bride pure.

I think I'll get back to the conference now. Feel free to thank God for that. Anyways, towards the end of the conference, Beth mentioned that she was studying how adolescents in our culture exhibit signs of trauma as if from sexual abuse thanks to our over-sexualized culture ( I witnessed Exhibits A-D 1 month later in the same building she spoke at. My Holy land was desecrated .). I thought, if that's true for here, then how much more so in France?! Of course, this thought didn't occur to me until the next evening. I spent the conference thinking of myself as an epic failure 'cause here I was at this incredibly awesome, powerful Beth Moore conference and I had absolutely no idea what commitment I was going to make to make the conference a step up in my relationship with Christ, but I knew I needed to make one. It was so frustrating! :/ God's revelation was such a relief to me! I may be an epic failure, but He's an epic savior who loves me enough to let me share in some of His victory.

As you probably don't know, God had put a strong desire in my heart to work with prostitutes in Paris. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find a group of people to do so with, and it would be a little unwise to do so alone. But what Beth said reminded me of Hosea, which I had to read for the NorCal mission I went on with my youth group. We have all been spiritual prostitutes. How many people in Paris have been sexually and spiritually traumatized by their culture? What if someone told them that there is fulfillment in Christ who shed His blood on the cross to purify us and make us His immaculate Bride? Beth listed 7 steps to becoming the Bride of Christ. The 5th was the priority of purity. What if purity became a priority among the people of Paris, France, a place notorious for selling sex? Can you imagine what happen?! What if God wants to start a new sexual revolution in France? Although it would probably be more of a sexual restoration. I know I'm pretty excited!!!!!!!

So what now? Well, as the title suggests. I'm going to go though all of Beth's books in one year and blog about them. No, I'm not. I may write a book and a Bible study, though. Seriously. Even though I'm laughing with you right now. LOL! I'm pretty sure God's certifiably insane. Or our definition of sanity is incorrect. I vote for the latter. But what, I'm sure you're dying to know, shall I write about? It looks like I'm going to write about the intimate relationship that God created us to have with Him and died on the cross to restore, about how we were once prostitutes, but He chose to forgive us and transform us with His love so that we could once again be His beloved Bride. Being in a romantic relationship with Christ is something I've had the pleasure of enjoying, never really having a boyfriend and all. People pity me for that, but I pity the people that haven't experienced the joy of Brideship like I have. I love singing love songs to Jesus and hearing Him sing them back. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Not to say that I don't ever want to get married, but I definitely want to marry a man who is also married to Christ. This is becoming a huge part of my testimony, and God used Beth to light the fire to share this with anyone who will listen. So thank you, Beth, if you ever happen to read this and make it this far!

So what does this all have to do with the movie Julie & Julia. Well, for starters, I'm a young woman named Elizabeth inspired to teach something by a teacher named Beth, which is why I thought it would be interesting to see the movie. Like Julie, the person who inspired me is in my head cheering me on. Unlike Julie, I hope Beth does not read this and decide she hates me. I'd me a bit devastated. :'( Also unlike the movie, about 2 people who love cooking, Beth and I loathe cooking. Oh, did I mention part of the movie takes place in Paris?! Sorry, it's after 1:00am and I'm a little scatter-brained at the moment. And if you're actually reading this, I'm sorry it's so long. I'll wrap it up in the next paragraph.

So to sum it up, I'm going to be reading the Bible from Genesis to Revelation looking for every reference to marriage, divorce, prostitution, etc. I will also be reading some books already written about the subject and taking a class about marriage and the family this semester. I would also like to dive into the philosophy of love. On top of that, I will be reading though Beth's books, since I will probably be using those to help people Break Free. I'm pretty sure this is what God wants me to be doing right now. He's been opening doors for it and Satan's been throwing me some of he worst attacks he's ever thrown at me. He seems desperate. One encouraging note was from a woman at my church who was telling me about some former missionaries to France who worked with the growing Muslim population. Based on what she told me, it sounds like a message that might have the power to bring many Muslim women to Christ. Reaching the Muslim population of France was something discussed among myself and the ladies from my grandma's church during the break at the conference, btw. It constantly amazes me how much God reveals to me about a place I've never even been to and preparing me for ministry there. Please be in prayer for me and the people and Paris and how God will use me for ministry. Please pray that He will anoint me with His Spirit as I embark on this strangely wonderful, challenging journey. I can't wait to see what he will do and to see TRUE LOVE brought to the City of Love. Thanks for listening as I poured my heart out. I'll keep you updated. If you're reading this still, I love you, and to show that love, I'll save the cat pictures for tomorrow. God bless!

Oh, and here's a Youtube video that goes with this!

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