Une Vie Pour Christ
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Judgement Day, Some Wisdom From Capt. Jack Sparrow, and Biblical Truth
Sunday, April 24, 2011
But that isn’t what you learned about Christ. Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy." (NLT)
My old way of life had been corrupted from the deception that came from believing things about myself that weren't true based on ways people had treated me and lies. But after learning the truth that comes from Christ, the TRUTH about who I am, I was able to nail my old way of living to the cross with Christ and be raised to a new way of living with Him. I was ready to put on my new way of living created to be like God.
Yep, today is Security Day, but it is also Easter. The fact that they fall on the same day this year has tremendous meaning for me. Christ died so that I might be free from my insecurity, as well as other sins. Today, I am not just celebrating Christ's death and resurrection, but also the fact that I AM LIVING OF PROOF of what His death and resurrection are still accomplishing today. I am not just celebrating Christ's general victories, but His undeniable victories in my life that I have experienced. I am celebrating the fact that God is who He says He is and can do what He says He can do. I am celebrating that I am who God says I am and can do all things through Christ. I am celebrating that God's Word is alive and active in me and truly is life altering. I am more than a conqueror in Christ! Do I still struggle with insecurity? Of course, but not nearly as bad as I did before God began the process of ridding me of insecurity. It is a process, and one that God and I are continuing to take on together.
As I reflect, I have on my wrist my wristband from Living Proof Live in Fresno. I decided to keep it on until my rain comes. Every time I look at my wrist, I see the words "LIVING PROOF", and I am reminded that I am living proof of the power of the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sunday, October 4, 2009
I'm Still Alive!
I am happy to also say that Covenant Grove Church launched almost a month ago! Please keep our church in your prayers. We can't wait to see what God will do through the Grove!
God's been doing huge things in my life lately, and I am so incredibly grateful to Him! I would not trade walking with my Almighty Bridegroom for anything in the world! I pray that you also will feel His loving arms around you, no matter what season your life is in! God bless!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Book Update And A Prayer Request
Please pray for me as Satan is attacking me throughout this process and I know he will continue to so even after the book is published. Currently, I am struggling with fears of incompetence. I have no idea how to write a book and I am afraid it won't turn out very well. I'm so afraid of failing. Please keep me in your prayers and pray that I will faithfully follow God through this and trust Him to guide me through it. My world the past year has been one where I have experienced so much hate from people because I believe marriage is sacred and is meant to be between one man and one woman. Sometimes I feel like the book will have no impact other than to make a target for a larger group of people looking for someone to take their anger out on. But then I remember Jesus on the cross. Satan came at Him with a large crowd of mockers, but He trusted in the power of God and the victory went to the ONE backed by the power of God, not to the many who mocked God. I'm going to trust that God will do the same with this book. Please, if you are reading this blog, I ask that you would stop by every once in awhile and leave a comment of encouragement to help me along. You have no idea how much I would appreciate it along this difficult journey! Thank you and God bless! I'll give you another update soon!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Prayer Request
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Don't Take The Girl
"Take the very breath You gave me.
Take the heart from my chest.
I'll gladly take her place if You'll let me.
Make this my last request.
Take me out of this world.
God, please don't take the girl."
Just like the song Jesus sang for us, His Bride, up there on the cross. Jesus showed us that GOD IS WILLING TO GIVE UP EVERYTHING EXCEPT US!!! Granted, He'll let us go if we choose to walk away, but He gave up EVERYTHING to hold on to those that choose Him. This song reminds me so much of God's love for His Bride. He gave His riches, and ultimately His life so that we might be spared. Take a few moments to reflect on this. God loves YOU more than ANYTHING! Out of every wonderful thing that God created, WE are His most treasured possession! I don't have the words to express how this makes me feel as I soak it in!
I pray for you to experience life in full knowledge of the fact that YOU are His Beloved! May He be with you on your journey. God bless!