Thursday, August 13, 2009

Prayer Request

Hi, everyone. I just talked to a young woman that Brad Wiiliams, Nicole Naravage, and I served with at an aborigine church in the southern part of Taiwan last year. The church was very small and within walking distance from a river in Pingtung County, which was hit hard by the typhoon. Fortunately, the person I talked to was not in the area and is fine, but she said that the village is full of water and someone is still missing in the river. Roads and bridges were also damaged, and the road to Pingtung is closed, so family members are unable to get down there. Please pray for that the person who is still missing will be found safe, as well as for all the others who are still missing. Please also pray that God will provide the much needed help and funds to repair the damage. Last but not least, please pray that God will bring good from this disaster by using it to bring people to Him. Thank you. Your prayers are much appreciated!

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