Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Game of Mini Golf With God and Loree

So my friend Loree and I were at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk on Monday playing a round of mini golf. A couple of the holes have a spinner and you do what ever the triangle you it lands on says to do. Well Loree landed on Cursed Ball, which meant that after I hit my ball the first time, she could move it wherever she wanted. She decided, as usual, that she didn't feel like being nice, and proceeded to move my ball just a few inches from the beginning. So I turned to Daddy! Knowing that our God is a just God, I asked Him if He was going to let that go unpunished. I prayed that He would show us that He truly is a just God by allowing me to get my ball in the hole before she did. Hallelujah to our just God! He rewards the kind and punishes evil! I got my ball in 2 more shots later, and it took her, I think, 6 more shots, the longest it took her on any hole! yes, God is just and has a sense of humor, one that allows Him to use a game of mini golf to prove His justice. I've got to say, God and I make a good team; God and anyone make a great team! ;)

I've also got to add that Loree and I made the top 10 scores for the new attraction, The Vault, which is a laser maze. And it was set to medium! Practice makes perfect, right?!

Oh, and, Loree, if you're reading this, I love you! Please don't smack me!

P.S. The Snuggie hog has been attacking my feet to get more of the Snuggie for herself.

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